Ways to Support a Strong Parent-Child Bond (For Kids Who Attend Day Care)

Sending a young child to daycare is rarely an easy choice for parents. First, there is the quest to find a suitable daycare in Surrey and then the transition into daycare. But after, there often comes the worry that the parent-child bond will somehow be affected by being cared for by someone other than their parents.

5 Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity and Curiosity

When watching a child play, you might only see a game, but playtime is much more than that. Children learn through observation and exploration and one of the best ways to support this development is through play. The benefits of child-initiated and teacher-supported play-based learning have been well-documented. Let’s look at some ways parents can encourage children to explore their curiosity and creativity at home?

How To Choose A Day Care Centre For Your Child

As a parent, naturally, you want the best for your children. When it’s time to go back to work, leaving your child or children with a nanny or in a daycare centre can be stressful and unnerving. Even after all the vetting and all the preparation, there are few things as hard as that first day you leave them in someone else’s care.

What Is Your Child Care Service Centre Doing To Reinforce Reading Skills?

When it comes to choosing a child care service centre, you want to make sure you’re choosing one that is going to foster your child’s growth. After all, they will be spending quite a bit of time there, so things like cleanliness and security are going to be high on your list of concerns.

What To Look For In A Child Care Centre

The health, safety, and happiness of your child is always your priority, and when the time comes to enroll them in child care, it’s only natural to have such related concerns. Will they have fun? Will they make friends? Will they thrive? As a parent, you have high standards for your kids, so of course, you’re going to want the absolute best in child care services, which means you will most likely be visiting many centres before finding the one that’s right for you.

Understanding Your Options for Daycare in Surrey and How to Choose the Right One

Licensed daycare centres in Surrey are notoriously difficult to get into. Many of the most popular centres keep extensive waitlists of parents eager to secure the best childcare for their little ones. Finding a daycare in Surrey that meets your family's needs and has space for your child might feel like an uphill battle,